Just like everyone else, we've come up with a couple of goals for this year.
Here's my list:
- lose weight - Isn't that on everyone's list??
- run 1/2 marathon
- study my Bible daily - I got the Chronological Life Application Study Bible last year and haven't made time to study it like I should.
- keep a clean house - I've already made up a daily cleaning schedule. You know I love lists and schedules!
- read more - I love reading, but again, hardly make the time I should.
- watch less TV - This goes with the one above. I find myself watching stuff that I really don't even care about. Dance Moms marathons, anyone?
- play piano again - I took piano lessons all growing up, but it became less of a priority when I started high school.
- learn to play guitar - I got Drew Rocksmith for Christmas. It's kind of like a video game, but it teaches you to play. I think it'll be fun!
- scrapbook! - Again, one of those things that I just never make time for. Mom bought me a Cricut for Christmas this year, so that should give me some motivation.
- decorate the house - I'm determined to make our new home look less "builder basic." I've come up with a schedule to tackle different areas of the house all throughout the year.
- keep up the blog! - I don't know why, but I love the idea of writing a blog. Whenever I read them, they just seem so fun. This is the third (I know) time I've tried to do this, so here's to commitment in 2014!
- run a marathon - He's first 1/2 marathon was last December.
- get better at guitar - He's taking the Rocksmith 60 day challenge. We'll let you know how it goes.
- take up biking - He said running is getting a little mundane and taking up biking seems fun.
- lose weight - Again, isn't this on everyone's list?
I even come up with some resolutions for the dogs:
- no more accidents in the house
- no more breaking out of the kennel
- listen to what Mom and Dad say all the time
I think Dexter and Daphne might have the hardest time keeping their resolutions. :)
What are your resolutions for 2014?
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