Saturday, March 28, 2015

How Am I Really Spending My Time?

Last week we had 3 glorious, beautiful days of warm weather.  I've been getting the itch to "pretty-up" the yard this year, so I spent the afternoon weeding the backyard.  The pups loved having me outside with them while they played, and I loved getting some fresh air.  It was a nice break from my usual routine.

Lately, I've began to notice that I spend a lot of time in front of the TV.  I get home from work around 4:30 and turn the TV on.  It doesn't get turned off until about 10:00 pm that night when we go to bed.  That's 5.5 hours of TV EVERY DAY!!   Kind of ridiculous, right?  What else could I be doing with this time?

Also, I'm not even sure that I really enjoy all of the shows I watch.  I often find myself thinking, "I really wish they'd cancel this show, because I'm tired of watching it."  What the heck?  I'm a grown woman.  I can just not watch the show.

Then Drew started complaining that our DirecTV bill went up again.  We're paying about $125/month for TV.  That's $1500 a year.  Do I really get that much enjoyment from TV?  Probably not.

Just Google "advantages of not watching TV."  You'll get an endless list of articles and blog posts with a million reasons why watching that much TV is bad for your health:  mental, physical, and relational.    (This one is my favorite.)

Life without TV

So I've decided that during April I'm going to try to reduce my time in front of the tube.  I'm too addicted to TV to just throw the thing out, but I can start being more selective about what shows I watch.  After I pick my favorite shows, I can start finding other ways to view them:  Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, antenna for local channels, etc.

Drew's  on board with this idea.  He doesn't really watch that much TV anyway; his only concern is how to catch the Ole Miss games this fall.  That's something we will definitely have to work out.  :)

I probably sound extremely dramatic to most of you, but I realize how much of my time I'm spending just doing nothing.  That's not how I want to spend my life.  I'll keep y'all all updated throughout this journey.  I hope that it leads me to rekindle forgotten hobbies and a happier life.

Do you have an TV addiction?  What about another kind of "harmless" addiction?

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